Friday, February 11, 2011

I have many leather bound books and my office smells of rich mahogany...

OK, I made that up. Unlike Ron Burgundy, my office doesn't really smell of mahogany...but I do have a bunch of new leather bound books. Actually they are new photo albums. I recently ordered a few sample albums to show my potential clients and they are gorgeous. The albums come in several styles, colors and I customize them for each client. Each album is leather bound, 20 pages and range in size from 5x5 to 12x12 inches. I think all of my clients will enjoy them immensely. :-)

1 comment:

  1. The leathers books and papers bound into beautiful. I cannot tell you how much i love the your albums… I really have no words to describe it. Thank you so much for provide beautiful leather albums.
    Leather Bound Photo Albums
