Friday, January 7, 2011

Better late than never...

I had a nice little write up and had put together some photos to post at the end of 2010 and then my computer died. Well, not was more like it became handicapped for a few days and I couldn't get online. With a little luck we got it running again, so I'm posting the pictures that I intended for the end of 2010 at the beginning of 2011. Better late than never, right?

Last January seems like ages ago and and I'm glad I have pictures to remind myself of some of the little, everyday events that I had forgotten. Here is a quick rundown of some of the highlights of our year:

~I volunteered as a yoga teacher at the kids school from Jan.-May. Now that has turned into a real, paying job! Yippee!

~We rescued Norm, an injured puppy, from certain death with the help of many kind souls who donated their hard earned money to pay for his vet bills. He is now one of the sweetest and happiest 3 legged dogs you will ever meet and the entire experience reaffirmed my belief that most people are truly good.

~I shot several weddings and met some amazing people.
~We traveled. NY, Charleston, Nashville, camping, condos, subways, cars that broke down, panic attacks, campfires, hiking, we were here, there and everywhere and it was fun!
~We picked up a new hobby, 75% of our family is now interested/obsessed with rock climbing.
~We hung out with friends and family and had a lot of laughs, and that is the best thing of all.

I've committed myself to taking even more pictures this year and enjoying every day to the fullest. Wish me luck!


  1. aww! G made it into your mosaic! Can't wait to see more from (and of!) you!

  2. Sounds like a pretty fantastic year. Here's to another great one in 2011.
