Sunday, August 29, 2010

She's gaga for The Lady...

It's that time of the year again, time to plan Daisy's birthday party. It's always a challenge, because Daisy is so in love with life and every idea that comes into her head seems SO awesome that she may die if she doesn't get to try it. So we have discussed many things, one day it's riding horses on the beach, another day it's a roller skating party, 24 hours later she wants to go to a spa for makeovers. These birthday wishes are usually delivered to me in a loud, laughing voice as Daisy stands on her head on the couch or bounces on the bed with a mischievous glint in her eye. But I think we have finally figured out what Daisy really and truly wants for her birthday. It's quite simple really. She wants Lady Gaga.

Yes, you read that right- Lady Gaga, super star singing sensation. The amazingly talented, vivacious young woman has captured my girls heart. For several months now 6 year old Daisy has been enthralled with Lady Gaga, listening to Paparazzi over and over & then moving on to Bad Romance. Upon reading Gaga's bio on her website Daisy was charmed to learn that they both admire The Beatles and Queen (Daisy's favorite lullaby as a baby was Another One Bites the Dust, true story.) We have spent loads of time looking at Gaga's pictures online so that Daisy can admire her outfits and her hair-do's. She is quite disappointed with my skills as a hairdresser and doesn't understand why I can't tie her hair in a bow like the Great Lady wears hers. Daisy is also in the depths of despair because I won't let her watch Gaga's videos, which I think are fantastically done, but obviously inappropriate for young eyes.

So, when Daisy asked me to invite Lady Gaga to her 7th birthday party, I promised I would. I told her that it's not something she should count on, being that Gaga is a very busy girl. But I'm sending this out anyway, if you by some chance read this, Lady Gaga, you are now officially invited:
What: Daisy's 7th Birthday
When: Sept. 13th, 2010
Where: Daisy's house

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What do I have in common with Hillary Clinton?

Hi guys! It's been awhile! Sorry about that, but I've been busy. With what you ask? Well, lots of things- yoga, portrait sessions, sewing, but one of my top priorities the past week or so has been making sure that my kids are acclimating to a new school year. The summer flew by and they started back on Monday the 9th, they seem to be happy as little clams at high tide. I'm happy too, I LOVE the school that we have chosen for our kids. It's a new school, this is only it's second year in operation, but it's a school with a lot of heart and talent. The teachers and staff are caring and dedicated, test scores are high and most importantly the kids seem happy to be there. I know this because last year I spent a lot of time volunteering at the school. When you sign your child up for The Spartanburg Charter School you sign up to volunteer at the school and be involved with your child's education and character development. When I walk into the school not only are my kids excited to see me, but I get tons of smiles and hugs and greeting from the other kids too. I love these kids and believe that I can have a positive effect on their lives, as can the other parents and friends. So that's where Hillary & I think alike, as she said in her presidential campaign in '07, it takes a village to raise a child. I like to be part of that village.
Now, the important part of my message, stick with me here- SCS runs on roughly 1/3 of the money that traditional public school in the state receive. This is not out of the ordinary, charter schools traditionally do receive less government funding. Luckily this year we are in the running to win 1/2 a million dollars for the retail store Kohl's. This money could be used to install air conditioning in the building (a partially renovated, beautiful building that was constructed in the 1930's,) it could be used for a computer lab, a science lab....there are any number of uses and I think that these kids deserve it.
If you can take 5 minutes follow the link below and vote, then forward this onto your friends you could change these kids lives. I know how powerful the internet can be & how quickly word can spread on here. This is a simple way to be part of something really big for these kids. Thank you!