Today my Grandpa died. It wasn't a surprise, as he had struggled with Alzheimer's for some time and recently begun to deteriorate physically as well. It's a terrible disease and takes away a persons dignity. I know that he is in a better place, but that doesn't make it easier for the loved ones that are left behind.
Now though, I would like to focus on the good memories that I have of Grandpa Welch. He was a Navy man and then an electrician. He had a huge heart, a giant smile and laughing eyes. He was tall and thin and had big strong hands. I loved to visit his house when I was little because it smelled like Dutch Masters cigars and he had lots of kids books on the bookshelves for me to read. He lived in that house for over 50 years. When I was a bit older we would walk out in the backyard and he would tell me about the rabbits and squirrels and birds that he watched out his window. Grandpa always drove a big pick up truck. He owned land that he loved, spending lots of time hunting and out walking on it, just enjoying nature. Grandpa was mellow, he always seemed to go with the flow and not worry. He loved fishing and bowling and was friends with the same people that he had been friends with as a young man. I was infatuated with the tattoo of an Indian maiden on his right forearm. When I was small he would pick me up so I could pet the mounted deer head that was hanging in his house. Befitting a man who didn't ever seem to want to be the center of attention or have people make a fuss over him, he asked for no funeral, but to be cremated and have his ashes scattered at a favorite spot.
I can see my Grandpa in my Dad's face. I see some of his traits in myself and my siblings. He was a wonderful man and he will be missed, but part of him is still here in us.